The Nico Bühler dental practice offers versatile and comprehensive services in all important dental areas for your various needs or dental problems. For beautiful and thoroughly healthy teeth. For a lifetime.

Dental hygiene & prophylaxis
Inflammation of the gums
Tooth-colored fillings
Oral surgery
Removable dentures
Fixed dentures

Dental hygiene & prophylaxis

Why is continuous dental care important?
Poor oral hygiene and inflammation of the gums can lead to pain or bone loss. Proper dental hygiene prevents this. Prophylaxis in modern dentistry consists of supportive products (e.g. fluoride toothpaste and mouthwash), regular dental check-ups and individual advice.
Prophylaxis/dental hygiene (DH)
Without prophylaxis, all other measures will not be successful in the long term. This is why we have made it a focus of our practice. Prophylaxis comes from the Greek and means prevention of disease. As a modern dental practice, we see prophylaxis as the primary goal of our thoughts and actions.
Avoid tooth decay through dental hygiene
Caries is a bacterial infectious disease. Bacteria attack the teeth and cavities develop. If there is no treatment, the caries spreads further and destroys the teeth. We will be happy to explain how you can prevent tooth decay. Caries is the main threat to healthy teeth today, followed by periodontitis. The gums are the first to recede or become inflamed. If left untreated, this can lead to tooth loosening and even tooth loss. Healthy teeth and gums can be ensured through regular dental hygiene.
Dental hygiene for adolescents
For teenagers, the focus is usually on other things than a healthy diet and daily dental care. They also tend to forget about regular check-ups and dental hygiene. However, if dental care is neglected, tooth decay and gum disease can appear sooner than we would like.

Inflammation of the gums

How is periodontitis diagnosed and treated?
The diagnosis at the dentist's is based on measuring the depth of the gum pockets with a special probe. This allows the loss of bone attachment to be determined. In addition, the degree of mobility of the teeth indicates that an inflammatory process is involved and how far it has progressed. Finally, an X-ray provides clear evidence. Periodontal therapy begins with careful cleaning of the tooth surfaces to eliminate the bacteria. In the early stages, this is done during oral hygiene at home and, if the process is advanced, by professional cleaning by a dental hygienist or dentist. Periodontitis is far more dangerous than tooth decay from the age of 40. As it is painless, it is often only noticed when teeth have already become loose. The first signs of periodontitis can be bad breath and slight bleeding of the gums during daily oral hygiene.

Tooth-colored fillings

Bleaching/teeth whitening
For an aesthetic shine, we recommend tooth whitening with professional bleaching. With home bleaching, you can whiten your teeth at home using customized trays and bleaching gel. Even dead and darkly discolored teeth can be optically matched to the adjacent teeth. This is particularly recommended before restorations with plastic or ceramic fillings. In this case, you can also use home bleaching at home. We are also experts in tooth-colored fillings.

Root canal treatment

Cause of root inflammation.
Deep caries is usually the cause. Bacteria inside the tooth reach the pulp (tooth nerve) and trigger an inflammation. Root canal treatment can also be used to preserve teeth if the pulp is inflamed or already dead. In the past, such teeth were simply pulled out.
Root canal treatment
The nerves inside the tooth lie in so-called root canals. This canal system resembles the branches of a tree, which is why root canal treatment is usually complicated. The nerve and inflammatory or dead tissue are removed using special instruments. The root canal system is cleaned, widened and sealed with a resin against bacteria. Magnifying glasses and a surgical microscope guarantee maximum precision and ensure that all canals are treated. The practice of Dr. med. dent. Nico Bühler is also there for your root canal treatment.

Oral surgery

Wisdom teeth
Wisdom teeth often have to be extracted due to limited space. If they cannot erupt, they remain trapped in the jaw (retention). Partially retained teeth often lead to larger gum pockets, which are difficult to clean and easily become inflamed.
Implants/artificial tooth roots
A lost tooth is not just visually missing. It also leaves a gap in the jaw, which can destabilize the dentition. This gap can be filled with an implant, which preserves the functionality of the bone substance. A single tooth gap can also be closed with a natural tooth. This means that no healthy neighboring teeth need to be ground down for a bridge and the natural chewing function is retained. Like artificial joints, implants are usually made of titanium and are inserted into the bone. As titanium is well-researched, long-term stable and biocompatible, implants are a long-term, comfortable and solid solution. Using state-of-the-art procedures, such implants can almost always be anchored in the bone. If there is not enough bone mass, this can be built up. Our dental practice is at your disposal for oral surgery.

Removable dentures

Partial, hybrid and full dentures
Partial or full dentures are suitable if several teeth are missing or if entire rows of teeth are missing. They can be removable, but can also be permanently inserted like bridges or anchored in the jawbone with implants. The teeth to be replaced are usually anchored to the remaining teeth on a metal and plastic base using cast clasps. They can also be attached to crowns using anchors, telescopes or press studs. With full or complete dentures, the artificial teeth are inserted into a piece of plastic that rests on the gums and should preferably be the same color. Full dentures can be either removable or fixed or supported with implants. Are you interested in removable dentures?

Fixed dentures

Wafer-thin, translucent ceramic shells, which are attached to the front teeth in particular using special adhesives, can correct slight misalignments, tooth shape defects or unsatisfactory tooth colors. The teeth only need to be ground minimally or not at all.
If a lot of substance has been lost due to caries, crowning a tooth can restore its shape and chewing function. The crown is placed on the remaining tooth stump like a cap. Aesthetically, all-ceramic, metal-free crowns offer an unsurpassed, natural appearance.
If one or more adjacent teeth are missing, a bridge has proven to be a good way of closing the row of teeth. Bridges made of ceramic or zirconium oxide are particularly aesthetic (and metal-free). Our team can also provide you with fixed dentures.