With Dr. Nico Bühler and his highly trained, experienced team, you and your teeth are in the best hands.

As proven professionals and experts for your dental concerns, they stand for holistic care, optimal preventive prophylaxis and a comprehensive service in the field of dentistry - with state-of-the-art treatment methods and a practice that is at the cutting edge of technology.

The team consists of the federally certified dentist Dr. med. dent. Nico Bühler, three full-time qualified dental hygienists HF, three full-time dental assistants EFZ and additionally two dental assistants in training, who care about your holistic dental health.

Dr. med. dent. Nico Bühler, dentist and practice owner

- Swiss certified dentist SSO
- Advanced training certificate - General Dentistry SSO
- Certificate of advanced training - Oral Implantology SSO
- Curriculum Oral Implantology SGI-SSO

Born in Samedan GR.
Grew up in Weiningen, canton of Zurich.
Independent Swiss dentist in the Limmat Valley with his own practice since 2011.

Read more about his unique career here:

Dental assistants
and dental hygienists.

S. Zurfluh
Dental hygienist HF
C. Blasi
Dental hygienist HF
K. Niemelä
Dental hygienist HF
A. Desai
Dental hygienist HF
K. Zubonja
Dental assistant
L. Dervisi
Dental assistant
R. Mahendran
Dental assistant in training
A. Gavazaj
Dental assistant in training

Dr. med. dent. Nico Bühler is a member of the following renowned and important dental associations and societies. Nico Bühler is a member.

Swiss Dental Association SSO

Zurich Dental Association ZGZ

Swiss Society for Reconstructive Dentistry SSRD

American Prosthodontic Society APS

1000Club Advanced Dental Education

Swiss Society of Endodontology SSE

Swiss Society for Oral Implantology SGI-SSIO

Pierre Fauchard Academy

Dr. Sandro Cortellini Study Club